
İngilizce Sosyoloji Programı
0312 246 66 66 1189

  • Post Doktora, (2006), Mcgıll Unıversıty, Siyaset Bilimi

  • Doktora, (2005), Mcgıll Unıversıty, Siyaset Bilimi

  • Lisans, (1996), İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi

  • H-İndeks 7
    Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
    1  Mass migration governance and openness toward refugees: Comparing Germany and Turkey, International Migration, 62(1), 2024

    Yigit Erden, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    2  Exploring the impact of teachers? past migration experience on inclusive education for refugee children, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 0(0), 2023

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Özgün Tursun, Ahmet Tunç
    3  Residing without settling: Housing market and tactics of Syrian forced migrants in Turkey, Population Space and Place, 0(0), 2023

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Merve Akdemir Kurfalı
    4  Expanding the boundaries of the local: entrepreneurial municipalism and migration governance in Turkey, New Perspectives on Turkey, 68(0), 2022

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Julinda Hoxha
    5  Forced Migration, Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Integration: Effects, Risks and Protective Factors, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(0), 2022

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Jenny Phillimore, Karen Block, Hannah Bradby, Anna Papoutsi
    6  We are forgotten?: forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence, and coronavirus disease-2019, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, 28(9), 2021

    Jenny Phillimore, Sandra Pertek, Selin Akyüz, Hoayda Darkal, Jeanine Hourani, Pip Mcknight, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Sarah Taal
    7  Does social cohesion solve forced migration riddles? Troubled concepts and constrained practices in Turkey, Migration Studies, 9(3), 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Julinda Hoxha, Ahmet İçduygu
    8  Structural and Symbolic Violence Exacerbates the Risks and Consequences of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for Forced Migrant Women, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3(0), 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Jeanine Hourani, Karen Block, Jenny Phillimore, Hannah Bradby, Lisa Goodson, Cathy Vaughan
    9  The EU's effectiveness in the Eastern Mediterranean migration quandary: challenges to building societal resilience, Democratization, 7(0), 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    10  Internet and social media uses, digital divides, and digitally mediated transnationalism in forced migration: Syrians in Turkey, GLOBAL NETWORKS-A JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL AFFAIRS, 22(2), 2021

    Jussi S. Jauhiainen, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Özgün Tursun
    11  The afraid create the fear: perceptions of refugees by gun groups in Turkey, IDENTITIES-GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER, 28(3), 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Hatice Mete
    12  The Conceptualization problem in research and responses to sexual and gender-based violence in forced migration, JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES, 30(1), 2020

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Selin Akyüz, Hannah Bradby
    13  Practicing Social Cohesion in the Dark: Diverse Processes and Missing Indicators in Forced Migration Contexts, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 2(0), 2020

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Julinda Hoxha
    14  Influence and impact: interacting factors in asylum policy-making and implementation in Canada and Turkey (1988?92), Turkish Studies, 21(1), 2018

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Christina Hamer
    15  What Moves the Highly Skilled and Why? Comparing Turkish Nationals in Canada and Germany, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, 54(3), 2016

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Deniz Yetkin Aker
    16  Limits to Regulating Irregular Migration in Turkey: What Constrains Public Policy and Why?, Turkish Studies, 15(0), 2014

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Deniz Yetkin
    17  Conditional Deliberation: The Case of Joint Parliamentary Committees in the EU, Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(3), 2014

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Julinda Hoxha
    18  Europeanization and Turkey: studying irregular migration policy, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 13(2), 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nazlı Şenses Özcan
    19  Of context, interaction and temporality: Historical institutionalism and Turkey's approach to the ENP and the UfM, Comparative European Politics, 9(0), 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, H. Tolga Bölükbaşı
    20   The Interaction between Theories of European Integration and the Literature on Turkey: Rethinking the Europeanization Research Program#13;through the Case of Turkey, Uluslararasi Iliskiler-International Relations, 8(30), 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, H. Tolga Bölükbaşı, H. Tolga Bölükbaşı, Ebru Ertugal
    21  On resilience and response beyond value change: Transformation of women's movement in post-1980 Turkey, WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM, 34(1), 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Feyda Sayan Cengiz
    22  Immigrant Associations in Canada: Included, Accommodated, or Excluded?, Turkish Studies, 10(2), 2009

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    1  Challenges to Health Service Access and Quality in Forced Migration, International Conference on Public Policy Toronto 2023, 29.06.2023

    Lloy Wylie, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    2  Partners in Paradox Irregular Migration and Civil Society Organizations in Greece Spain and Turkey, 18th International Conference of Europeanists, 20.06.2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nazlı Şenses Özcan

    Yazarlık Bilgileri

    1  Zorunlu Göç Deneyimi ve Toplumsal Bütünleşme: Kavramlar, Modeller ve Uygulamalar ile Türkiye, İlk Baskı, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2020

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Ahmet İçduygu

    Editör Bilgileri

    2  Forced migration and social trauma: Interdisciplinary perspectives from psychoanalysis, psychology, sociology and politics, İlk Baskı, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2018

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Andreas Hamburger, Camellia Hancheva, Carmen Scher, Biljana Stankovic, Slavica Tutnjevic

    Özlen Çelebi, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    4  OF STATES RIGHTS AND SOCIAL CLOSURE Governing Migration and Citizenship, İlk Baskı, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Oliver Schmidtke

    Kitap Bölümü Bilgileri

    5  Türkiye'de Zorunlu Göç ve Toplumsal Uyum, In:Cumhuriyetin Göçlerle Dolu Yüz Yılı, 411-422, 2023

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    6  Why Do Employment and Socioeconomic Integration Have a Strained Relationship?, In:Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe, 93-110, 2022

    Deniz Yıldırım, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    7  Legal and Ethical Aspects of Social Trauma , In:Social Trauma?An Interdisciplinary Textbook, 271-277, 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    8  Reading on Muslim Immigrants in European Print Media between 1999?2009, In:Imagining Europe: Essays on the Past, Present, and Future of the European Union, 67-86, 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    9  Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Social Trauma, In:Social Trauma?An Interdisciplinary Textbook, 279-285, 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    10  Covid-19 in Turkey: Public health centralism , In:Coronavirus politics: The comparative politics and policy of Covid-19, 393-412, 2021

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    11  Refugees in public policy and social representation: Introduction to Part I, In:Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology and Politics, 5-7, 2018

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    12  Dreams to nightmares ? welcoming culture, xenophobia and social trauma along the balkan route: An introduction, In:Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology and Politics, 1-3, 2018

    Hamburger Andreas, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    13  Europeanisation of policy-making in Turkey and its limits, In:Policy Analysis in Turkey, 143-162, 2018

    H. Tolga Bölükbaşı, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    14  International protection and psychosocial support services, In:Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology and Politics,, 9-17, 2018

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    15  Barriers in access to care, In:Migrants and health, 105-138, 2016

    Lloy Wylie, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    16  Strategies for change among institutional and civil society actors, In:Migrants and Health , 139-176, 2016

    Lloy Wylie, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    17  Turkey in Europe, Europe in Turkey: History, Elites, and the Media, In:Religion and National Identities in an Enlarged Europe , 96-123, 2015

    Levent Soysal, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    18  Rights of Irregular Migrants: Governing Irregular Migration in Greece, Spain And Turkey, In:Waves of Diversity: Socio-political Implications of International Migration in Turkey, 225-250, 2015

    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nazlı Şenses Özcan, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    19  Avrupa Birliği Yolunda Türk Dış Politikası ve Komşu Bölgelerle İlişkiler, In:Türk Dış Politikası Son On Yıl, 153-176, 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    20  Türkiye’de İltica Politikası, Aktörleri ve Çalışmaları: Bir ?Epistemik Topluluk? Oluşurken, In:İLTİCA ULUSLARARASI GÖÇ VE VATANSIZLIK KURAM GÖZLEM VE POLİTİKA, 27-48, 2011

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    21  Conclusion: Crossing borders of states and border-crossing of rights, In:Of States, Rights, and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenship, 279-283, 2007

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    22  Immigrants and participation beyond the nation-state: Opportunity-capability rift in eu immigration policy process, In:Of States, Rights, and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenship, 257-278, 2007

    Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    1 Türkiye’de Göç Yönetişimi Alanında Etkileşimli Toplumsal Bütünleşme Modeli Geliştirilmesi, Ar-Ge, Yürütücü, 30.06.2022

    Prof. Ahmet İçduygu, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    2 Refugee Schoolgirls in Turkey: Developing a Full Inclusive Education Syatm for Social Cohesion, Ar-Ge, Yürütücü, 01.03.2022

    Selin Akyüz, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    3 SGBV in the Refugee Crisis: Vulnerabilities, Inequalities and Response, Ar-Ge, Yönetici, 27.02.2022

    Prof. Jenny Phillimore, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    4 H2020-SC6-GLOBALLY-2017, Europe’s External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders, Ar-Ge, Yönetici, 31.03.2021

    Tanja A. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
    5 Social Trauma in Changing Societies (STICS), Ar-Ge, Araştırmacı, 30.01.2021

    Prof. Andreas Hamburger, Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez, Prof. Dr. Gamze Özçürümez Bilgili
    Analysis of everyday xenophobia: The case of highly educated Turks with immigrant background in Austria and Germany
    The politics of policy reform in multiple streams: The case of asylum and immigration policy in Turkey
    Production of 'abstract crisis' and irregular human mobilities
    Yüksek Lisans
    Local peoples' perceptions on syrian refugees in Turkey: The case of 'gün' groups
    Yüksek Lisans
    The role of legislative committees in parliamentary governments' accountability: A comparative analysis of the United Kingdom and Turkey
    The appeal of social capital: Analyzing the conceptualization of the concept
    Yüksek Lisans
    State actors and the effects of international crisis on asylum policy in Canada and Turkey
    Explaining duration of leadership change in arab uprisings throughperceived political opportunity structures: Comparing Egypt and Syria
    Exploring women columnists' "in-between" positionality in public sphere: A study into narratives on feminist identity in contemporary Turkey
    Migrant representation within British and Dutch political systems
    Migration, citizenship and naturalization: Turkish immigrants in Canada and Germany