Faculty of Science and Letters
Program of Sociology (English)


II. National Sociology Congress Call for Abstracts (Updated)

The world is changing in many ways and at great speed, particularly in the economic, ecological, industrial and political spheres. This change inevitably triggers major changes in the social, cultural, economic, political, environmental and cultural structure of today's society. This multifaceted and rapid change/transformation of the world is dragging all structures and relations into great uncertainty, and the utopias of the past are turning into possible dystopias one by one.

All these uncertainties, transformations and possible dystopian social structures involve the discipline of sociology. While some titles and methodological approaches of sociology are losing their importance, they are being replaced by new titles or some existing titles are becoming more hybrid.

The Future of Sociology, Sociology of the Future Congress held on April 27-28, 2023 discussed the future of sociology and how the future of sociology will be shaped in the light of new topics and areas of discussion, while at the same time trying to address the potential futures of the present by resorting to sociological imagination.

Başkent University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology announces the second edition of the national sociology congress with the main theme of 'Uncertainties in the Digital Age'. We invite all academics, researchers, doctoral and graduate students who conduct research on digitalization and society, technology and society to participate in the 'National Sociology Congress'.  

Congress Themes

The themes that will be accepted within the scope of Başkent University II. National Congress on the Future of Sociology, Sociology of the Future are listed below.

Artificial Intelligence and Society
Technology and people mobility
Transforming work and labor environments with digital technologies
Digital technologies and life cycle (childhood, youth, old age)
Communication technologies and society
Educational technologies and society
Health technologies and society
Information technologies and social transformation
Digitalization and the transformation of social relations
Cybersecurity and society
Tracking and surveillance technologies
Technological innovations and social future studies
Technological transformation, social diversity and inclusion
About the Congress

Participation to the congress will be possible with Turkish papers. For each of the congress themes listed above, one or more sessions will be planned depending on the number of papers accepted to be presented at the congress.

Academics and researchers working in the field of sociology and graduate students enrolled in doctoral and / or master's programs in fields such as social work, psychology, literature, economics, especially sociology, will be able to participate in the congress. Poster presentations will be accepted as well as oral presentations within the scope of the congress.


Abstracts should be prepared in accordance with the 'Issues to be Considered in Abstract Writing' stated below:

Abstracts should be submitted electronically via, the abstract submission system of the congress. Click here to access the website.
Abstracts will only be accepted in Turkish.
The abstract should consist of at least 250 and at most 750 words and at least three and at most five keywords should be written in accordance with the submitted abstract.
A maximum of two visuals such as tables, graphics, photographs can be included in the abstract. Each image will be counted as 100 words.
An author can participate with a maximum of two papers.
Poster or oral presentation preference should be indicated during the application.
Those whose abstracts are accepted must submit an extended abstract.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Date: 08 July 2024-16 August 2024

Announcement of Accepted Papers: It will start on August 9, 2024.

Last Registration: September 06, 2024

Announcement of the Final Program: September 09, 2024

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: September 13, 2024

Congress Date: September 26-27, 2024



The congress will be held at Başkent University Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture.

The extended abstracts of the participants will be published as an e-book with an e-ISBN number.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

The congress participation fee has been determined as 500 Turkish Liras.



Başkent University II. National Congress on Future of Sociology, Future Sociology Bank Information

Recipient name:

Baskent University


Denizbank A.S.


Baskent Corporate


TR65 0013 4000 0007 9691 0000 13

When sending the congress fee, please use the name of the congress (preferably as II. National Congress on the Future of Sociology, Sociology of Future Congress) and the full name(s) of the participant(s) as payment reference. After payment of the registration fee, the congress registration process will be completed.


Congress Organizing Committee

Prof. Saime Özçürümez

Assoc. Prof. Emek Barış Kepenek

Assoc. Prof. Duygu Özalp

Assoc. Prof. Osman Özarslan

Res. Asst. Melike Bozdoğan

Res. Asst.  Ayçe İdil Ataoğlu

Res. Asst. Duygu Kirikcioglu

Click here to submit an abstract.