Faculty of Science and Letters
Program of Sociology (English)




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Sociology is rapidly increasing its importance as a science that strives to understand and interpret the changes-transformations that occur in the structures of societies, especially after important social turning points such as the industrialization process and digitalization. In our country, as in the whole world, sociology appears as a science that is greatly needed in many fields, especially in the process of objectively analyzing the dynamics of social structure.

Within this framework, it is clear that in Turkey there is a greater need for sociologists with adequate education in their field and subject matter to understand, analyze, evaluate and interpret the social structure, which depends on the dynamics of society, both locally and globally. Sociologists are employed in many public institutions and organizations, and sociologists are now more needed in the private sector and non-governmental organizations. In this context, the contribution of well-trained sociologists in sociology departments that provide qualified education and training to both our country and our society is obvious.

From this point of view, the main purpose of the Department of Sociology at Başkent University Faculty of Arts and Sciences is to train sociologists who have the sociological perspective that our country needs, who can analyze social structure, who are experts in their fields, who have gained experience in qualitative and quantitative research, who are sensitive to social and cultural reality, who have theoretical and methodological scientific equipment, who can conduct research on the socio-economic situation of Turkey, and who have a command of international literature.

Students of our department can participate in Double Major and Minor programs in fields related to sociology such as Psychology and Political Science, and thanks to the Erasmus + program, they can complete part of their education in schools abroad with which we have an agreement.

Graduates of the Department of Sociology can be employed as sociologists, experts, assistant experts, data analysts, researchers, evaluators, coordinators, consultants and managers in a wide variety of organizations and fields.

Please click here to view our catalog (in Turkish).

Program Competencies and Outcomes

  1. Analyzes the emergence and development of sociology as a science.
  2. Recognizes the different sociological schools and their representatives developed in the world and in Turkey in accordance with the multi-layered and multi-dimensional social reality.
  3. Compare and discuss the basic concepts whose definitions change according to the presuppositions of different approaches in the multi-paradigm structure of sociology.
  4. Critically discusses classical, contemporary and current sociological theoretical and methodological approaches.
  5. Analyzes sociological research methods with different characteristics, especially quantitative and qualitative research methods, and applies the basic stages of research and interprets data-supported findings.
  6. Discuss social problems, differences and uncertainties in everyday life from an intersectional and relational sociological perspective.
  7. Analyzes the problem-oriented specialty areas of sociology such as women, environment, migration, health, crime as well as basic social institutions such as family, religion, education.
  8. Establishes interdisciplinary relationships with social sciences such as social psychology, psychology, logic, social anthropology, literature, politics, philosophy, education, economics, history, law as well as science and health sciences and arts such as music, painting, cinema.
  9. In addition to academic studies as a requirement of providing the integrity of theory and practice, it carries out social responsibility projects and produces forward-looking social policy proposals.
  10. Discusses the employment areas and problems by recognizing the professional aspect of sociology.
  11. Analyzes the social transformations and trends emerging in parallel with technological innovations and analyzes the theoretical and practical contributions expected from sociology.
  12. Expresses himself/herself in English in the international arena by having foreign language competence.


Quality Activities, Self-Assessment, STRASIS and FARSIS Officers

Asst. Prof. Osman Özarslan
Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif Özuz Dağdelen
Research Assistant Melike Bozdoğan
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu
Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu

Responsible for National and International Accreditation Activities

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun
Asst. Prof. Osman Özarslan
Assoc. Prof. Olgu Karan
Asst. Prof. Elif Özuz Dağdelen
Research Assistant Melike Bozdoğan
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu
Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu

Department Organization Chart and Coordinatorships

Click here to access the organizational chart of the department.

Undergraduate Course Programs Coordinator

Assoc. Dr. Çiçek Coşkun
Research Assistant Melike Bozdoğan

Undergraduate Module Development Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Responsible for Program Qualifications and Course Objectives

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu
Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu

Information Package Officers

Assoc. Prof. Emek Baris Kepenek
Assist. Prof. Elif Özuz Dağdelen

Faculty Disabled Student Unit Officers

Assist. Prof. Çiğdem Sema Sırma

Graduate Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Graduate Self-Assessment Officer

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Graduate Quality Studies Officer

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Graduate Promotion Officer

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Graduate Information Package Officer

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

PhD Academic Advisor

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Non-Thesis Master's Degree Academic Advisor

Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Ethics Committee Officers

Prof. Dr. Saime Özçürümez
Asst. Prof. Onur Bilginer
Asst. Prof. Osman Özarslan

Double Major and Minor Officers

Asst. Prof. Onur Bilginer
Assoc. Prof. Emek Baris Kepenek
Asst. Prof. Osman Özarslan

Internal and External Transfer Coordinators

Asst. Prof. Onur Bilginer
Assoc. Prof. Emek Baris Kepenek
Asst. Prof. Osman Özarslan

Student Community Advisor

Asst. Prof. Duygu Özalp

Greenmetric Responsible

Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu

Undergraduate Promotion Activities Responsible

Asst. Prof. Duygu Özalp
Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu

Student Community Advisor

Assist. Prof. Duygu Özalp

Internship Coordinator

Asst. Prof. Duygu Özalp

Erasmus+ and International Relations Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Olgu Karan

Faculty Disciplinary Board & Investigation Officer

Assoc. Prof. Olgu Karan

Department Website Officers

Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu

Social Media Officer (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Linkedin)

Research Assistant Duygu Kirikcioglu

Responsible for Course Schedule and Examination Programs

Research Assistant Melike Bozdoğan
Research Assistant İdil Ataoglu

Distance Education Supervisor

Assoc. Prof. Emek Baris Kepenek

Graduation Project Presentations Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Emek Baris Kepenek

FEF Working Groups Unit Officers

Academic Research, Project Development and Professional Development Working Group
(FEF-APP) Unit Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Emek Barış Kepenek

Working Group on Excellence in Undergraduate Education
(FEF-LEM) Unit Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Çiçek Coşkun

Social Media, Internet and Working Group
(FEF-SMIT) Unit Supervisor: Research Assistant Duygu Kırıkçıoğlu

Gender Equality Working Group
(FEF-TCIN) Unit Officers: Assist. Prof. Osman Özarslan & Assist. Prof. Onur Bilginer


Click here for University Quality Policies.

Click here for University Regulations and Directives.

Unit Strategic Plan

Unit Performance Reports (in Turkish)

01 October 2017 - 30 September 2018

01 October 2018 - September 2019

01 October 2019 - 30 September 2020

01 October 2020 - 30 September 2021

01 October 2021 - 30 September 2022

01 October 2022 - 30 September 2023

Unit's PUKO Cycles (in Turkish)

Education and Training PUKO Cycle

Social Contribution PUKO Cycle

Scientific Study PUKO Cycle


Academic Publications (2023) 

Academic Publications (2022)

Academic Publications (2021)

Academic Publications (2020)

Academic Publications (2019)

Academic Publications (2018)




Forms and Questionnaires Applied within the Department:

Internal/External Stakeholder Feedback Forms (in Turkish)

Uzaktan Öğretim Değerlendirme Anketi

Öğrenci Memnuniyet Anketi

Mezun Takip Formu

Course Evaluation and Monitoring Forms (in Turkish)

Dönem İçi Ders Değerlendirme Formu

Öğretim Elemanları İçin Verdikleri Dersi Değerlendirme Formu

AKTS İş Yükü Belirleme Anketi Örnek Şablon

Academic Performance (in Turkish)

Öğretim Elemanı Akademik Aktivite Raporu

Öğretim Elemanları için Verdikleri Dersi Değerlendirme Formu


 Please click here to view Final Projects information.


Please click here to view academic events.


Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölüm